Add Custom Map to Your Google Map

 Add Custom Map to Your Google Map - Singapore PCN Map

Google Map have change and the previous My Places wont work so smoothly anymore, but they did new a way to allow integration.

Today, we are going to get search for a custom map in Google-MyMaps and add the layer into your google map, so you can better plan your route.

. Go google search and search [ singapore pcn my maps ]
. or just click on this link [ New PCN on Bikes - Google My Maps ]

. Click on the star to allow this map to show over your google map
. You may remove all other path or icon which you dont wish to see

Google Map

Now head over to your google map and click on the menu icon

And select [ Your places ]

Select [ New PCN on Bikes ] and you are done.

Now you can see the custom map over your Google-Map

Using the Custom Map over your mobile Google Map

Personally I feel this is good. As you will be able to see your current live location to determine your action over the custom map.

To call out your custom map, launch your google map
. on the default view, tap on [ Saved ]
. Scroll all the way down and tap on [ Maps ]
. tap on your custom map [ PCN ] and you are done


Though the overlay seem to work, but it is still pretty useless when you can overlay your current route planning over google map.  When you start to click on the map direction, the map you have overlay will disappear.

Still prefer the old My Places, which it is way better integrated.  Maybe some feedback to google will work ?


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