2022 Jan - Hypervisor migration

 2022 Jan - Hypervisor migration

Virtual machine migration processing

I prepared a new server to hold around 10 Virtual Machines (VMs) in Dec 2021.  Spend around a week to move all the VMs over.  Sadly, the machine freeze when there are high load of file sync activities.

Tested 2 times, and when the Machine freeze, all VMs will instantly died.  This is when all your colleague will start attacking and chasing you.

So, 1 week move to new-server, and 1 week to move back to old server.  So can re-setup the new server and do some load pressure test.

This is no fun, as after months of effort, ppl will think that you have done nothing as we are still at the same place as 2021 Nov.  So sad .. 

Push push push ... 

#### 3 hours later
After all VMs moved out .. load test show no error.  God, am dying .. help me .. 


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